

GYNMC symbolizes our commitment to provide the best of facilities, infrastructure, technology and care to our patients. We are committed to our mission to “provide the best of evidence based medical care to patients in an ethical, holistic and compassionate environment.”

Our hospital is a teaching hospital and we provide professional freedom to doctors to practice Naturopathy and Yoga in an ethical and scientific manner. We have senior professors with decades of experience to guide the treatments for each patient. We have almost all the clinical specialties in naturopathy, yoga, acupuncture and energy medicine in our hospital and many of our doctors are leading specialists in their disciplines.

GYNMC&H has gained the trust of the community, and is the preferred hospital for thousands of families touched by our care. Over the last 21 years, our hospital has done a wonderful service in providing preventive and primary health care of highest quality at most affordable costs. We have touched the lives of more than 20 lakh people, each day at GYNMC we see approximately 500 outpatients and provide inpatient care to 100 people.

Out-patient Department

Our out-patient department is specialized with three OPD clinics: UG block OP, PG block OP and Special OP with the daily inflow of nearly 300-400 patients.

Our departments are well equipped with Yoga and Naturopathy therapies like Yoga therapy, Massage, Diet therapy, Aroma therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, Seed therapy, Physiotherapy, Colour therapy, Hydrotherapy, Mud therapy and Reflexology with separate male and female therapy sections. Treatments are rendered by well trained professionals. Our patients are given consultation by professional Yoga and Naturopathy doctors providing holistic approach in diagnostic and curative care to patients.

Timings: 7.30 AM to 12.00 PM & 3.00 PM to 5.00 PM; Sunday: 7.30 AM to 12.00 PM only

In-patient Department

Bed occupancy (UG block: 50 beds & PG block: 50 beds)

The in-patient services of our hospital functions round the clock irrespective of Sundays and Holidays. The new patients as well as the patients who have already undergone the consultation are advised to have a prior booking before getting admitted at our hospital. This is to ensure vacancy and availability of your choice of accommodation.

Also, qualified and well-experienced physicians will be supervising the medical treatment on a daily basis. The in-patient facility at the hospital is best in class and aims at promoting positive health in a serene and tranquil atmosphere. It is mandatory for the people coming for consultation to bring their medical reports and currently undergoing medications.

Patient Care

Reinforcing healing and healing by embracing natural therapies that detoxify, cure and rejuvenate the body systematically, thereby uplifting the immune function of the body. As per the required advice from the physician and nutritionist, specified balanced diet advocated for individual needs and illness. It provides resources and professional services through counseling to discuss personal and psychological issues by experienced team of doctors.

Continuous education in the presence of distinguished academics by holding discussions, lectures by doctors and conclaves. Encouraging clear reviews and follow-up from the end of the patient to ensure and impact long-term implementation in all facets of safe natural practices.

More sophisticated facilities like

  • Reflexology track with natural pebbles
  • Herbal garden
  • A long and wide walking track lined with trees
  • Exquisite Yoga & Meditation hall
  • Nourishing diet with wholesome grains, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • There is an array of rooms in a common open corridor in ground, second and third floor of UG Block & first floor of PG block. Each of the room is provided with two individual steel cots and a cupboard. There is an attached bath with shower and toilet facility. The rooms are available with and without A/C and are offered for single or sharing accommodation.

Public Yoga, Public Seminar and Kids Yoga: Summer sessions on yoga and meditation are organized for children every year in the month of April to improve memory and concentration. Children between the age group of 7 -16 yrs are enrolled for the sessions. The prospective of the session is to motivate the younger generation to take a step towards Natural lifestyle and healing, Naturopathy and Yoga day celebrations, outreach programs

Yoga and Naturopathy Post COVID-19 Care:

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) a pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has affected more than 7 million across the globe. While the vaccine research has progressed, there has been no scientific evidence on other treatment regimens for people with COVID-19. In addition, the infection is associated with residual effects on various systems including respirator, circulatory and nervous system and rehabilitation for such residual effects are widely recommended. Yoga is an ancient discipline intended to bring balance and health to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of the individual. Naturopathy is a chemical drugless system of Medicine that aims to promote the inherent power within the human body and to accelerate self-healing capacity to prevent and treat diseases. It consists of various therapies, including Diet & Herbal therapy, Hydrotherapy, Fasting therapy, Mud therapy, Heliotherapy, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Reflexology, etc. Yoga & Naturopathy system of Medicine is one of the AYUSH System comes under the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India. It is a potentially cost-effective, culturally acceptable intervention which may be beneficial in the prevention, management as an adjuvant and rehabilitation of patients with COVID-19. These therapies under Yoga & Naturopathy could reduce the residual effects of COVID-19 and improve health and well-being.

Yoga and Naturopathy an AYUSH system of Medicine, works on the principle of improving the healing capacity of the body for prevention, quicker recovery from illness and Post COVID Symptoms.

The objectives of the Yoga & Naturopathy for post COVID-19 rehabilitation are as follows:

  • To cope-up with post-COVID residual issues
  • To improve the functional capacity of patients post-COVID
  • To achieve quick and full re-integration to day-to-day activities
  • To improve quality of life
  • To improve innate immunity to prevent from other opportunistic infections
Treatment Process
Essential care for all participants
Natural immune boosting fresh juice Indian Gooseberry juice – 50ml, Basil Juice – 50ml, Ginger Juice – 10ml Fresh Lime juice – 5ml, Turmeric powder – ¼ tsp, Water – 150 ml Dosage: twice daily
Natural immune boosting hot drink Peeled Crushed Ginger 5 gm, Tulsi (Basil) leaves 10 gms, Pepper powder ¼ tsp, Crushed Adhimaduram 5 gms (liquorice root), Turmeric powder ¼ tsp and drinking water 250 ml. Boiled and administered twice a day.
Yoga therapy Vajrasana, Bhastrika, Brahmari, Quick relaxation technique, Deep relaxation technique, JalaNeti. Twice or thrice as recommended by the physician
Specific care for the needed participants recommended by Yoga and Naturopathy doctors
Warm salt water gargling Taking 30-50 ml of Water and whirl it around the pharynx & oral cavity
Steam inhalation Inhalation of steam with or without essential oils/ Nochi/ Neem leaves
Sunbath Sun exposure (20 minutes) in the morning and the evening
Aromatherapy Eucalyptus/ Peppermint/ thyme/ lavendar/ Ajjwain oil: 1-2 drops in tissue paper or mix with gingely oil / Coconut oil & apply
Acupuncture/ Acupressure Points selected by the pulse diagnosis and complaints.
Diet Chart Immune Boosting Foods- Raw & Cooked form.
Magnet Therapy High power & Low power Magnet/ Neck, knee, low back, Forehead Magnetic Belt.
S. No. Name of the Post COVID Care Centre
1 Yoga & Naturopathy Lifestyle Clinic Govt. Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College Hospital, Salem.
2 Yoga & Naturopathy Lifestyle Clinic Omanthurar Medical College, Mount Road.
3 Yoga & Naturopathy Lifestyle Clinic Madras Medical College & Govt. General Hospital, Chennai.
S. No. Name of the Post COVID Care Centre Number of Male Patients Number of Female Patients Number of Children Patients Total Number of Patients
1 Govt. Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College Hospital, Salem. 62 74 3 152
2 Omanthurar Medical College, Mount Road 52 40 2 92
3 Madras Medical College & Govt. General Hospital, Chennai 10 8 0 18
Grand Total 124 122 5 262

Yoga & Naturopathy Lifestyle Clinic, Madras Medical College & Hospital, Chennai

