
Recent Activities

Upscaling the Yoga & Naturopathy care for COVID-19 across the state

Yoga and Naturopathy interventions are currently being implemented along the length and breadth of the state in 160 designated COVID care hospitals (DCCC/DCH/DCHC). In addition, people under quarantine at hospitals and homes are being counselled and provided with Yoga & Naturopathy interventions everyday and health care providers were also provided preventive Yoga & Naturopathy interventions. Also, awareness and screening camps (172089) are also being conducted regularly. Testimonies of several patients have been attached in Annexure 2.

Launch of Immune boosting buttermilk by Honorable Chief Minister

The Tamil Nadu Honourable Chief Minister launched immune boosting buttermilk on 7th July through Aavin, the trademark of Tamil Nadu milk producers Union Honorable Minister for Milk and Dairy Development Thiru K.T. Rajendra Balaji, Chief Secretary Thiru K. Shanmugam, Dairy Development Secretary Thiru K. Gopal and Managing Director Thiru M. Vallalar were also present in the event. The formula was developed by Department of Nutrition & Herbology, Government Yoga & Naturopathy Medical College & Hospital. The drink has immune enhancing herbs like ginger, curry leaves, coriander, mint and green chillies. These herbs are rich in antioxidants, flavonoids and flavones like menthol, cinnamic acid, carvacrol, eugenol, gingerol, which has anti-inflammatory and has immune-modulating effects.

Table 2: Composition of immune boosting butter milk

Nutrients /100 ml Ingredients
Energy 29.7 Kcal Milk Green Chilly
Minerals 2.5 G Lemon Cumin
Proteins 2.0 G Ginger Coriander
Fat(Total) 1.2 G Holy Basil Curry leaves
Fat (Saturated) 0.8 G Pepper Asafoetida
Turmeric Rock Salt

3. Inauguration of Yoga & Naturopathy wing at newly established Dedicated Covid Hospital (DCH) at King Institute, Guindy Honourable Chief Minister of Tamilnadu inaugurated Yoga & Naturopathy Department in the newly established DCCH at Government Corona Hospital, King Institute, Guindy. The DCH has 750 beds including 100 ICU beds. As on date, more than 1500 patients successfully treated. Yoga & Naturopathy interventions including bedside counselling, health education, along with acupuncture and reflexology are being provided to all patients alongside state of the art conventional care.

Also, health care providers who are dedicated to COVID prevention and awareness camps are provided with Yoga & Naturopathy interventions on preventive aspects.

4.Exclusive Yoga & Naturopathy - DCCC at newly opened S. Thangapazham Medical College Of Naturopathy And Yogic Science Research Center, Vasudevanallur, Tenkasi.

An exclusive Yoga & Naturopathy intervention at DCCC S. Thangapazham Medical College Of Naturopathy And Yogic Science Research Center, Vasudevanallur, was started on 7th July. The centre has successfully treated 1070 patients with Yoga & Naturopathy interventions till date. Specific Yoga & Naturopathy treatments like warm salt & turmeric water gargling, neem turmeric balls (5gm - orally), immune drink, fresh sprouts, fresh eucalyptus leaves, basil and eucalyptus aroma oil with facial steam are being provided. Nearly 12 doctors are working round the clock to provide Yoga & Naturopathy treatments.

Public Initiatives for COVID prevention through Yoga & Naturopathy Various District Collectors including Vellore, Tirunelveli, Erode and Sivagangai showed immense support in implementing Yoga and Naturopathy preventive measures, spreading awareness to the public by issuing brochures mentioning the COVID awareness and preventive measures through Yoga & Naturopathy. Lakhs of brochures have been printed and circulated door to door through the front line workers to reach public across all socio economic status. Also, hoardings with information were kept for public awareness in various parts of the districts. The Directorate of Indian Medicine & Homeopathy prepared IEC materials and the materials are circulated through email and regularly through social media.

Integrated Yoga & Naturopathy care for COVID-19 at Omandurar Medical College - A Model for DCH Yoga and Naturopathy lifestyle clinic at Omandurar Medical College Hospital implemented Yoga and Naturopathy intervention for COVID-19 patients from the day one and treated more than 10,000 patients successfully. All the patients are provided with in-person yoga and Naturopathy treatment in the wards along with tele-yoga also. In addition, gargling, facial steam etc are routinely advised to patients along with dietary advices. Yoga & Naturopathy doctors are also providing treatments in the ICU for patients with moderate and severe symptoms.

Specific diet therapy modalities such as

  • Vitamin C rich drink.
  • Lunch (balanced diet) with one fruit.
  • Natural immune boosting drink with protein rich snack.
  • Post dinner throat smoothening hot drink (pepper + turmeric + ginger in water) are being provided.

In addition, follow up advice and post-discharge rehabilitation advice is given during discharge, along with Aarokyam Special Programme Kit.

Yoga & Naturopathy Outpatient Clinic in Chennai High Court A Yoga & Naturopathy outpatient clinic was setup alongside allopathic clinic in the Chennai High Court premises. The unit was inaugurated by Honorable Chief Justice Amreshwar Pratap Sahion 16th July 2020. The unit provides COVID-19 prevention through Yoga & Naturopathy alongside general treatments for patients. Regular preventive and promotive yoga is also being provided in the premises. Launch of Amma Covid-19 Home Care Services at Yoga & Naturopathy Lifestyle Clinic attached with Multi Super Specialty Hospital, Chennai

Honorable Chief Minister launched the Amma Covid-19 Homecare Scheme for COVID patients on home isolation. These patients will be receiving round the clock clinical care and their health status will be monitored by team of doctors in Multi-Super Specialty Hospital (MSSH) in Chennai. This will ensure satisfactory care for patients at home and timely referral of patients before becoming critical. Yoga & Naturopathy doctors play a pivotal role including monitoring the patients and providing Yoga & Naturopathy care in this tele-covid services. The patients enrolled in the programme will receive a kit comprising of pulseoximeter, a digital thermometer and packs of Natural Immune Boosting Powder.

Inauguration of COVID-19 Follow-up clinic at Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, Chennai Honorable Health Minister inaugurated the COVID-19 Follow-up clinic at Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, Chennai on 20th August, 2020. Although, near 85% patients with COVID-19 recovered with mild symptoms or no symptoms, there are chances of post-Covid complications such as lung problems, cardiac arrest, diabetes, tiredness, kidney problems and mental depression, among them. The COVID19 Follow-up clinic aims at providing care for those who were in the ICU for over two weeks with lung issues, and those with comorbidities such as high blood pressure and diabetes. The integrated care includes Yoga & Naturopathy care including provision for yoga therapy and counseling etc.

Launch of Yoga & Naturopathy OPD under e-Sanjeevani The Yoga & Naturopathy OPD under e-Sanjeevani was launched on 21st Aug 2020. Through this hundreds of patients including COVID positive cases (on home isolation) received Yoga & Naturopathy consultation and care. The pilot e-OPD will be upscaled to all districts involving more Yoga & Naturopathy doctors from the respective districts Volunteering activity by Yoga & Naturopathy doctors and CRRI doctors from private colleges and doctors working in private sector.

It is to be noted that, more than fifty Yoga & Naturopathy doctors are volunteering their Yoga & Naturopathy clinical services in various DCH/DCHC/DCCC across the state. The Indian Naturopathy and Yoga Graduates Medical Association facilitated the volunteering process. In addition, several CRRI doctors and faculties from private medical colleges such as JSS Institute of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences Coimbatore, Sree Ramakrishna Medical College for Yoga & Naturopathy Kulasekaram, Sivaraj Yoga & Naturopathy Medical College Salem, AnnaiYoga & Naturopathy Medical College & Hospital Kumbakonam and the newly opened S. Thangapazham Medical College Of Naturopathy And Yogic Science Research Center, Vasudevanallur, Tenkasi.

Yoga & Naturopathic Covid-care for pregnant women and women in puerperium at Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Chennai and Madurai Medical College Hospital, Madurai Yoga and Naturopathic COVID-care is provided alongside conventional care for pregnant women and women in puerperium i.e., during ante-natal and post-natal care respectively are provided in designated hospitals such as Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Madurai Medical College etc. The interventions are being tailored to the needs of individual and delivered bedside. These centres have successfully handled more than 3000 COVID-19 cases with zero mortality.

Annexure 2:

Activity 1: Images of various activities related Yoga & Naturopathy intervention for COVID-19 in Tamil Nadu - Yoga and Naturopathy for General public

To create awareness on the importance and benefits of yoga and naturopathy treatments to combat COVID-19 pandemic and providing yoga training, natural immune-boosting hot drinks, and powder, and diet chart.

Yoga and Naturopathy for people under quarantine (Suspected cases)

To create awareness on COVID-19 & the importance and benefits of yoga and naturopathy treatments to combat COVID-19 and providing yoga training, natural immune-boosting hot drinks, and powder, and diet chart.

Yoga and Naturopathy for COVID-19 confirmed cases

Provided Yoga and Naturopathy treatments Aroma oil sniffing, Ear Acupuncture, Acupressure, Sunbath, Jalaneti, Salt water gargling for COVID-19 confirmed cases at COVID-19 care hospitals and Centres.


Ear Acupuncture

Aroma oil Sniffing


Sun Bath


Salt water Gargling

Neem Balls

Facial Steam

Bedside Counselling

Yoga and Naturopathy for COVID-19 Rehabilitation

Created awareness of COVID-19 rehabilitative measures and providing immune-boosting powder and diet charts, yoga procedure videos, and advising them to follow yoga and naturopathy treatments at their home.

Yoga and Naturopathy for Health Care Providers:

Creating awareness on COVID-19 & importance and benefits of yoga and naturopathy treatments to combat COVID-19 and providing Yoga training, stress management program, lifestyle modifications and immune-boosting powder & diet

Activity 2: Immune Boosting Buttermilk developed by Government Yoga & Naturopathy Medical College & Hospital

Activity 3: Yoga & Naturopathy wing at newly established Dedicated COVID Hospital at King Institute, Guindy

Activity 4: Exclusive Yoga & Naturopathy - DCCC at newly opened S. Thangapalam Yoga & Naturopathy Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Vasudevanallur, Tenkasi

Activity 5: Public Initiatives for COVID prevention through Yoga & Naturopathy

Activity 6: Integrated Yoga & Naturopathy care for COVID-19 at Omandurar Medical College - A Model for DCH

Activity 7: Yoga & Naturopathy Outpatient Clinic in Chennai High Court

Activity 8: Amma COVID-19 Home care Services at Yoga & Naturopathy Lifestyle Clinic attached with Multi Super Specialty Hospital, Chennai

Activity 9: COVID-19 Follow-up clinic at Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, Chennai

Activity 10: Yoga & Naturopathy OPD under e-Sanjeevani

Activity 11: Volunteering activity by Yoga & Naturopathy doctors and CRRI doctors from private colleges and doctors working in private sector.

Activity 12: Yoga & Naturopathic Covid-care for pregnant women and women in puerperium at Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Chennai

Annexure 3 Feedback from various beneficiaries (Patients with COVID-19)


“I was admitted to Rajiv Gandhi Government Hospital on the 11th (of June) for COVID treatment. The doctors of Yoga and Naturopathy and the Assistants taught yoga, breathing exercises and acupressure therapy on the 15th (of June) day. It was very helpful. I also encouraged my fellow patients to do these exercises. Headaches are reduced by following the Yoga and Naturopathy treatment methods. I will take care of my health by doing yoga even after going home, as much as possible .My heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped me.”

A COVID POSITIVE PATIENT FROM GOVERNMENT AYURVEDA MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL, KOTTAR “Good morning, the Doctors of Yoga and Naturopathy taught us breathing exercises and other such exercises to reduce stress. All that was very helpful, Thank you.”


“This morning, the Doctors of Yoga and Naturopathy taught simple yoga and mudras that strengthen the heart and lungs in a very easy way. Acupressure therapy was provided. Laughing therapy filled us with happiness and confidence. My heartfelt thanks to them.”


“Here they provide turmeric and salt mixed hot water at about six o clock in the morning. Sprouted lentils and neem paste are given regularly. Cough is greatly reduced. Yoga and Naturopathy therapies were really helping.”


“Physical health is improved by doing Yoga and Naturopathy. Mental courage is improved.”


“I have been receiving treatment here for the eleventh day. My daughter, father, mother and brother are also being treated here. So far, I have done walking and other exercises. I have been doing Yoga for the last four days under the guidance of qualified Doctors of Yoga and Naturopathy. We are all well. A heartfelt thank you to the Doctors of Yoga and Naturopathy”


“The Yoga and Naturopathy Dr. Kavitha treated us with Yogasanas, breathing exercise and laughter therapy. I felt very relaxed and happy. I request the Department of Health and Family Welfare to set up this treatment in all Corona treatment centres”


I am being treated here as an inpatient. I was taught Yoga and Naturopathic techniques to keep my breathing pattern smooth and active. I heartily thank, the doctors of Yoga and Naturopathy for their humble service thereby enhancing my health.


“Every morning, they provide turmeric and salt dissolved in hot water for gargling and then sprouted pulses and neem balls are given every day to more than hundred patients. Yogasanas are made easy to perform. The right way of practicing Acupressure and steam therapies were taught.”


“My health is getting better by doing Yoga practice. Shortness of breath is soothed by the Aroma oil. I heartfully thank the Doctors of Yoga and Naturopathy.”


“Yoga therapy is quite effective. Shortness of breath is greatly reduced by Acupressure treatment.”

Annexure 4: Press Reviews for Yoga & Naturopathy interventions in COVID-19